Martin would not let us leave empty handed
We saw three snakes (2 dead) where just 4 weeks ago there were thousands.
Leaving Winnipeg on Friday, we spotted the Thunder Carts and had to stop...
....and wait...
...and go!
where the White mud River is still flooding.
This site was under water 1 week ago, and we saw 100's of flooded fields today on the way here.
At Lions Camping in Neepawa you can get a shitszu-beijon cross puppy for $300. We made it out unpuppied.
The nicest metal signs we've seen are made in Shoal Lake Manitoba.
We stopped for burgers in Russel Manitoba and got bogged down.
The best part of this mud bog was that the trucks could get through the bog easier than they could get back to the parking area.
On Sunday we went to Batoche, where the Riel rebellion was centered.
Janna got to play the harmonium
Jake got to see how to build Red River style.
This is a metis rifle pit used during the battle
From Saskatoon it was off to Ponoka where Yvette's little sis and family are living.
We got to see Linda Seagrave (Hodges) and ride three of their 28 horses.
We actually got an evening and a morning trail ride with George, and in between we took in the Ponoka Bullarama at the stampede grounds.
Janna is with cousin Alissa
This West Ed birthday party is for Justin and Alissa.
Alissa thought the icecream cake was nice and the gifts were ok....
but what she really wanted..
...was some purple cardboard.
A little harnessing...
A little high roping...
And it's time to say goodbye to Monique and family.
Tomorrow we'll see Tori off as she goes to Costa Rica with my sis and family. We hope to be at Mt. Robson tomorrow night and then home through Kamloops.